Anthropomorphic Data for Elderly People in France (age 65+)

Hello everyone,
I am a master’s student in France, working on an ergonomic chair product for elderly people in France as a final year project, but unfortunately, I am facing a problem in finding these data. so I would like to know if there is a database for the elderly french population aged 65 and above (stature, popliteal height, elbow height, shoulder height…)

Thank you very much for your time

Dear Saad
I found some data about French Eldery on ResearchGate, I advise you to create a login a search for French elderly anthropometry. You will find height and weight but no dimensions from arms and legs.
I found those in a DTI book OlderAdults, you can download it from the following link Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.
Older data about adults you can also find on our DINED under International
kind regards

Thank you for the materials,
One last question please, what is the age range of the French population in the international section?
Thank you!


Dear Saad
I think it was meant for adults 20-60.
The book that was the base for these data was International Anthropometric Database from Jürgens 1989 and is based on literature from the years 1950-1988 . see Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.
kind regards