Hi there,
I am wondering how often the 1D database dimensions are updated. It mentions “adults 2004”, so would that mean that all information is from 20 years ago?
Hi there,
I am wondering how often the 1D database dimensions are updated. It mentions “adults 2004”, so would that mean that all information is from 20 years ago?
Yes Marcel that is right those data is 20years old. The reason: anthropometry data is expensive. One data point could cost 10-20 euro.
This means researchers have to apply for funds first, set up and train measurents teams bye equipment, find a measurement location. Even if are a university researcher you have to go trough these steps.
See for example our current project on www.kidscan.nl that has almost finished the data collection, but it might take at least 1 or 2 year s before those data are ready for being presented on Dined. And I remember the first discussion about the project of a European children project started in 2012 with an inventory of who has children anthropometry data and what does industry need
I hope this helps explaining why data are sometimes older then a few decades.