Dear Toon Huysmans,
My name is Adrian Parames I am PhD student from University of Vigo studying mismatch between school furniture and anthropometry in spanish education. I would like to know if are there a database with spanish population anthropometry information (popliteal height, elbow height, shoulder height…)
Thank you very much for your time and attention.
Hi Adrian. A warm welcome to our User Forum!
Maybe @j.f.m.molenbroek or @Rdebruin can help you with this.
Dear Adrian. I like to bring you in contact with Ignacio Castellucci. I work together with him on schoolfurniture but he knows more about the Spanish and Portuguese area. He did a dissertation on schoolfurniture in Portugal and is now Professor in Chile. I will forward you question to him and ask him to answer you in this forum.
kind regards
Johan Molenbroek
Thank you very much.
I am reading all the wonderfull work that Areces, Castellucci and you did related with this topic. It is a pleasured for me to be in contact with you and your team. I had planned a stay in University of Minho during these year, however with the current situation everything is stopped. I am trying to work at home and maybe with spanish anthropometric database I could continue working.
I hope that everybody is fine, health, patience and courage.
Hello Adrian
I hope that everything is going well with you. Probably the IBV have spanish anthropometric database however I dont think will be free available.
I will ask some spanish resercher about your question.
I hope you can spend sometime in Guimarães.
Best regards from Chile
Hello Ignacio,
Thank you very much for your help.
I contacted with IBV, they said me that they have books with adult spanish population, however they don’t have children information available.
Best regard.
Dear Parames
I found a Spanish experienced researcher in the field of the growth and health of Spanish children which publications or contact might be useful for you
His name is Luis A Moreno.
My recommendation for you would be:
- Use the Spanish growh charts to find the Body Height and
- Use the formulas of Stephen Pheasant to estimate the other body dimensions like lower leg length and buttock knee lenght and hip width .
Stephen Pheasant wrote a famous book “Body Space” in which his estimation formulas are described. They are also described in A technique for estimating anthropometric data from the parameters of the distribution of stature
Ergonomics, Volume 25, 1982 - Issue 11
Published Online: 27 Mar 2007
kind regards
Dear Molenbroek,
Thank you very much for your help, I will follow your recommendations.
I didn’t know the Stephen Pheasant work, it can be an interesting solution, he got a high percentage of prediction with adult population. Could be different with pubertal age population, with different body growth speed? I read in your paper: Castellucci, H. I., Arezes, P. M., & Molenbroek, J. F. M. (2014a) that with students, popliteal height can be the most accurate anthropometric measure instead of height, for school furniture selection.
I appreciate a lot your time and recommendations, best regards.
*Castellucci, H. I., Arezes, P. M., & Molenbroek, J. F. M. (2014a) Analysis of the most relevant anthropometric dimensions for school furniture selection based on a study with students from one Chilean region. Applied Ergonomics , 46 (Part A), 201–211.