Spanish Anthropometric Data

Dear Toon Huysmans,
My name is Adrian Parames I am PhD student from University of Vigo studying mismatch between school furniture and anthropometry in spanish education. I would like to know if are there a database with spanish population anthropometry information (popliteal height, elbow height, shoulder height…)
Thank you very much for your time and attention.

Hi Adrian. A warm welcome to our User Forum!

Maybe @j.f.m.molenbroek or @Rdebruin can help you with this.

Dear Adrian. I like to bring you in contact with Ignacio Castellucci. I work together with him on schoolfurniture but he knows more about the Spanish and Portuguese area. He did a dissertation on schoolfurniture in Portugal and is now Professor in Chile. I will forward you question to him and ask him to answer you in this forum.
kind regards
Johan Molenbroek

Thank you very much.
I am reading all the wonderfull work that Areces, Castellucci and you did related with this topic. It is a pleasured for me to be in contact with you and your team. I had planned a stay in University of Minho during these year, however with the current situation everything is stopped. I am trying to work at home and maybe with spanish anthropometric database I could continue working.
I hope that everybody is fine, health, patience and courage.

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Hello Adrian
I hope that everything is going well with you. Probably the IBV have spanish anthropometric database however I dont think will be free available.
I will ask some spanish resercher about your question.

I hope you can spend sometime in Guimarães.

Best regards from Chile


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Hello Ignacio,
Thank you very much for your help.
I contacted with IBV, they said me that they have books with adult spanish population, however they don’t have children information available.
Best regard.

Dear Parames
I found a Spanish experienced researcher in the field of the growth and health of Spanish children which publications or contact might be useful for you
His name is Luis A Moreno.
My recommendation for you would be:

  1. Use the Spanish growh charts to find the Body Height and
  2. Use the formulas of Stephen Pheasant to estimate the other body dimensions like lower leg length and buttock knee lenght and hip width .
    Stephen Pheasant wrote a famous book “Body Space” in which his estimation formulas are described. They are also described in A technique for estimating anthropometric data from the parameters of the distribution of stature


Ergonomics, Volume 25, 1982 - Issue 11

Published Online: 27 Mar 2007
kind regards

Dear Molenbroek,

Thank you very much for your help, I will follow your recommendations.

I didn’t know the Stephen Pheasant work, it can be an interesting solution, he got a high percentage of prediction with adult population. Could be different with pubertal age population, with different body growth speed? I read in your paper: Castellucci, H. I., Arezes, P. M., & Molenbroek, J. F. M. (2014a) that with students, popliteal height can be the most accurate anthropometric measure instead of height, for school furniture selection.

I appreciate a lot your time and recommendations, best regards.

*Castellucci, H. I., Arezes, P. M., & Molenbroek, J. F. M. (2014a) Analysis of the most relevant anthropometric dimensions for school furniture selection based on a study with students from one Chilean region. Applied Ergonomics , 46 (Part A), 201–211.