DINED Instructional Videos

Dear DINED Users,

We are delighted to introduce to you our first set of instructional videos. In these videos, Laura Ahsmann demonstrates the capabilities of the DINED tool set:


This first batch of videos focusses on 1D and 2D anthropometry. In the coming months, we will extend this set with instructions about 3D and 4D anthropometry.


Let us know what you think!


Kind regards,



Just wanted to let you all know that we have posted two new instructional videos. You can find them in the “How it works section” via the link in the top post. Or just here below:

Part 3. 3D & 4D Anthropometry

Module 5 - Wearable product design: building representative design manikins with Mannequin

Module 5 - Extended background on Mannequin

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